Wednesday, June 1, 2011

••••••> Periodontal disease – prevention

Gum diseases and periodontal diseases are very common diseases which can affect anyone both children and adult. However many adults do not give enough importance to gum health and periodical check-ups. While most parents give a lot of importance to their children’s dental health, a lot of us do not even visit the dentist for regular check-ups. We only think of going to the dentist when we start having periodontal disease.

Gum disease treatments are not very complicated and are quite easy to treat in the initial stages. But if neglected for too, it can lead to serious complications, and may even require surgery. Spending a few minutes a day in taking care of your gums can save you from periodontal diseases and also save you a lot of money spent on gum disease treatment. If you have the habit of smoking, you should know that smoking is the worst enemy of periodontal disease. It will damage the gums further if you are already suffering from gum disease or make you resistant to medicines and treatments.

Periodontal diseases are those diseases which affect the gum tissues. Periodontal disease is divided into two broad categories.

  1. Gingivitis

  2. Periodontis

If you are diagnosed with periodontal disease, the periodontist may or may not advice surgery depending on the severity of the case. In certain cases, a dental implant may even be necessary. Nowadays, more and more people are opting for laser surgery, which is just as effective as traditional surgery. But the procedure is simpler and recovery is much faster.

Healthy habits and good oral hygiene are the key to preventing gum diseases. Daily flossing and brushing twice a daily are the primary habits which everyone must follow. Avoidance of smoking, alcohol and tobacco will further keep the gums and teeth healthy.

Healthy oral habits in children have been proven to keep the teeth healthy even as they become adult. It is important to imbibe your children with healthy eating and oral habits. It has been found that fluoride treatment in children is essential to develop the teeth properly and keep them healthy. Regularly visiting the dentist every six months even if you don’t have gum problems will be helpful because one might be suffering from periodontal disease without being aware. Diagnosing the problem early on will save you from a lot of problems and money spent on treatments.


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  2. Gum disease is the infection that attacks the Gums and Bone that hold your teeth in place, leading to loosening and subsequent loss of Teeth. The earliest and mildest form of periodontal disease is Gingivitis, characterized by swelling of the gums. Often, the gums will bleed during normal brushing and flossing. Gum Infections can be prevented by regular Brushing, Flossing and Professional cleaning .Toothcare is the best dental hospital in hyderabad for orthodontics treatment.
