Tuesday, April 12, 2011

••••••> Bite it – Implants or Crowns?

If you teeth that have decayed or have been damaged extensively then you may opt for dentals crowns or implants. These procedures not only increase the aesthetic appearance of the teeth but also make the mastication process easier. But you have to be aware of what you need—an implant or a crown. This will help in the treatment.

For either a crown or an implant these conditions should be met—
  • Teeth that have been periodontally compromised.
  • Teeth that have decayed extensively.
  • Teeth that are traumatized.
  • Root canal treatment is required.
Dental Implants are used when the teeth have been periodontally compromised or have some form of trauma. Crowns are preferred if the teeth have already undergone root canal treatment. An implant can be done only when extraction of the affected tooth is complete. This is your average periodontal treatment making dental implants NYC a regular procedure.

Implants both help in mastication and enhance the aesthetic appeal. Your dentist will first consider your alveolar bone level before starting with the procedure. It is a fairly lengthy procedure and may take months to finish requiring visiting the dentist often. Placing implants is a surgical process beginning with the placing of ‘posts’. The posts support the alveolar bone. Posts are placed in the first visit itself. The post takes several weeks to set in. It slowly fuses with the alveolar bone. In few and rare cases, this fusion fails and the implant procedure has to be abandoned and other methods have to be considered. After successful fusion ahs occurred, a temporary crown is placed which is then topped by a permanent one. The permanent crown is placed after a successful union of the tooth and the gingiva.

The crown procedure succeeds the root canal therapy. After a root canal, a tooth becomes weak due to the removal of the pulp. The crown supports the weak tooth. It is the most commonly used periodontal treatment. A crown plays the same functions of the original tooth so much so that it appears like an actual tooth. A crown may be placed directly in the tooth at the gingiva or may be placed on top of posts which are placed in the roots of the affected tooth. This is a short procedure and only a couple of visits are required. However, you may need to replace the crowns after every few years or so. So go for dental implants NYC or crowns to get that perfect smile!

For more information on periodontal treatment and dental implants NYC visit our website : www.ddperio.com